Body Contouring, Skin Tightening & Facial Rejuvenation – Exilis in Wilmington, DE

The Quick Facts

Length of Procedure: 15-30 minutes per area

Anesthesia: None

In or Outpatient Procedure: Outpatient

Body Shaping, Skin Tightening & Facial Rejuvenation

Exilis is a safe and effective treatment that tightens the skin of your face, neck, and body.* Exilis also provides additional anti-aging results such as wrinkle treatment through new collagen growth.*

This FDA approved treatment uses radio frequency energy to deliver non-invasive, controlled heat, 1-3cm under the skin and into the underlying fat layer.

During the Exilis treatment collagen is tightened and renewed through a biochemical signal in the tissue.* The radio frequency energy and deep thermal heating cause the current collagen to disperse. The body’s natural healing process then creates new, tighter collagen. New collagen should naturally provide tighter skin with the potential of fewer wrinkles.*

Virtually Painless Treatment

Exilis treatments are virtually painless and cause no downtime.

Common areas of treatment include the eye area, around the mouth, chin area, jaw line, décolleté, abdomen, back, arms, legs, knees and “cankles”.

If maximal tissue tightening is the goal, then a series of 2-6 Exilis treatments at 1-2 week intervals would be ideal. Each treatment session requires approximately 15 minutes per area. Many patients report results after just 1 treatment!*

During your consultation we can discuss an optimal treatment plan for you.
Schedule a private consultation online or contact us to learn more!

* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed.

Get In Touch

* All indicated fields must be completed. Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 4pm
Friday: 8:30am - 3pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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