As we age, our faces lose fat, bone and elasticity of the skin. These factors often leave us longing for the plump cheeks and contoured jawline of our younger years. In the past, the only way to solve these issues was through surgery, but today, dermal fillers are a safe non-surgical option that can take years or decades off your face with minimal downtime. Read on to learn more about derma fillers and then set up a free appointment to see if it’s the right option to help you achieve your goals.
What is dermal filler?
Dermal filler is an FDA-approved injectable that softens fine lines and wrinkles, improves symmetry, and creates volume or dimension. Dermal fillers can be composed of a variety of substances, some naturally occurring and some synthetic. One of the most common compounds used in dermal fillers is hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance found in our skin, and it plays a major role in keeping skin hydrated and volumized.
What areas does dermal filler improve?
Your Cheeks: As you get older, your cheeks begin to lose their natural volume, causing the middle of your face to appear older or more “tired”. Adding volume to the cheeks and related areas with dermal fillers can restore a more youthful shape to your face. Those who aren’t seeing any loss of volume but just want a more dimensional look can also benefit.
Those Lines Alongside Your Nose: Those pesky lines are called nasolabial folds, and they grow deeper and more pronounced with age. Many people find them to be one of the most obvious indicators of aging. Facial dermal fillers will lift and bring volume back to these areas, dramatically reducing these folds. Patients often report that simply reducing these lines gives them the youthful look they’re after and enhances their self-confidence.
Your Chin: For anyone concerned about their profile and longing for a stronger chin to balance their face, dermal fillers are an easy way to get the look you want without going under the knife. Fillers applied to the chin area can give you shape and definition that lasts up to 2 years.
Your Jawline: Dermal fillers are an amazing way to improve just about any jawline. You can create lift, symmetry and give yourself a sexier, more sculpted look that will instantly enhance your overall appearance.
Those Deep Caverns Under the Eye: Another popular area to treat with dermal fillers is the dark area right under the eye. As you age, you lose fat and volume in this area, causing the eye socket to appear sunken in. Dermal fillers will fill this space and make the area more even with the surrounding skin – an immediate confidence boost!
Your Lips: Lip enhancement treatments give an instant boost to your appearance, from a subtle pout to va-va voom, you choose the look that makes you feel amazing.
Who should I see to get dermal fillers?
Choosing the right injector is everything when it comes to dermal fillers. An experienced injector is one who has performed thousands of treatments over the years. He or she will be able to give you a beautiful, natural look that will take years off your face without looking like you’ve had “work done”.
Deborah Geary, BSN, RN, CANS is widely known as one of the best in the area. Her extensive experience, deep understanding of facial anatomy, and natural eye for how to create the look you want for your individual face is what sets Deborah Geary apart.
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