As an adult the amount of shame felt when I experience a breakout is unreal. Obviously, no one likes getting zits. At least when you’re young you often share the burden with many of your peers. As an adult you feel more alone and the breakout seems like a badge displaying some mistake you made. What mistake? Who knows. Consulting the internet (which is a horrible idea – and hard to resist) will lead you down a never-ending trail of possibilities, from hormonal imbalances, stress, gluten, dairy and a plethora of other supposed acne triggers. Each trigger is accompanied by multiple solutions ranging from DIY glue pore masks to body compromising prescriptions. Thankfully, I have not resorted a glue facial mask, and you shouldn’t either.
Even though I experience breakouts as a 30 something woman, I am lucky that my pimples only occur sporadically. Some of my friends however, are not as lucky. Many are left with the scars of their teenage breakouts and others can’t get rid of the acne at all – despite their many efforts. The texture of their skin is rough and flaky, inflamed and riddled with cystic acne. Prescriptions are often times the go-to-choice, but for women in their child bearing years that can be a risky decision. Use of acne prescriptions can lead to delaying family plans or worse.
There are many reasons why people have adult acne and breakouts. There are also many treatments, depending on the cause. This is why it is so important to seek the help of a professional. Why guess and spend months testing possible remedies, all which usually take at least 6 weeks to see results, when you can get real treatment from an expert? Not to mention, some of the acne remedies are unhealthy and risky. Visit a professional who can use their knowledge and experience to assess the issue and recommend an effective treatment. I know you are thinking – great, I have to go to a Dermatologist, wait months for an appointment, and may possibly end up on meds. Well not exactly, while Dermatologist are a choice for skin care, they will often recommend prescriptions. A licensed esthetician will take then time to learn about you, your skin and take a gradual approach that leads to clear skin that can be maintained without harsh drugs and DIY glue mask. Call Danyo Plastic Surgery to get on a plan to be acne free today!